Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Split Road

The memory of the 2nd day of my Rv life still remains vividly in my mind. Everybody, I am sure you still remember the LITTLE BOY in the Nan Hua uniform. I bet you all are like thinking: WTF?? What is this clown doin here? He is not even one of us. However, little did you think that this clown was really a clown, a lame one. I still remembered how I made friends. "Wah, you very shuai leh....whats your name?" It was a very difficult task remembering everyone's names.
On Monday, I was wearing the Rv uniform for the first time and I entered the 1J classroom. Everyone got into their seats except me as I did not know where was I suppose to sit. Ah-ha! I spotted an empty seat but the people around there said it was a girl seating there. WAH!!!! The girl came walking towards me( with a big bushy hair). I was stunned. i quickly searched for another seat. I still remembered that Zhi Xin was seating next to Ming Hao. I quickly requested for a change of seat. Little did anyone knew that Zhi Xin and Aubrey would become so good friends that they are still seating next to each other, until the day where it was time to be splited up.
There it was....the year 2004 started with a very different surrounding and place with many different but new friend. I looked around my class and I noticed EMILY. She looked very familiar but I just could not remember where did I see her before, until the day she told me about the tuition I used to go when I was in Primary 6. Next I saw ALAN. I knew he was also from the same Primary School, so I quickly get to know him. Being a very friendly and outspoken person, making friends was not a very difficult task for me. In just a few day, I could remember almost half of my classmates' names and the teachers. At that time, my results were not very good, just above average but never the best. Soon, I was asked to join the MO XIE DUI where a big group of people had to MO XIE a paragraph of the chinese text book every morning. I still remember the whole group copying together. We never really study and BEi properly. Haha.
In just a blink of an eye, it was the end of 2004 and the whole class went up together, as a CLASS, welcoming the year of 2005. We were known as the 2 JAWDROPPERs, always perservering together throughout happy and sad times, where we would get scolded by our techers or when we get praised. At that time, I am sure that I was so LAME that almost everything that EVER comes out of my mouth is L A M E. But that was the only skill I had that I can use, unlike other people who were multi-talented like ZHI HUI( the laggy computer). But this was what bonded the class and me.
First, it was the CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATIONS, where the whole class danced and sang to the music played during the celebrations. We all had a lot of fun doing all the funny things together. Next, we had the SENTOSA trip No. 1. At that time, the whole class was very friendly to each other, no one ever hostile to anyone. The boys took off their shirt and rushed into the deep clear sea. Everyone played beach ball almost for half the day and we all got SUN BURNT together, as a class. We went cycling together, as a class. At that time, the boys and the girls were still not so close to each other, so we had serperate lunch areas. But as a whole, it was still quite alright.
Then, we had a CLASS PARTY, during the teachers' day. We had food, music and lots of fun. Although we made a GREAT mistake by making the video shown more about US and not the teachers. (getting boring here)
Soon it was SENTOSA trip no. 2. Most people went. And again, without fail, everybody got a BAD SUNBURN except for some smart people lah.( not saying that those with sunburn are dumb lah...lax lah) We played beach soccer and beach ball again. Later we ALL( last time was not ALL---shows improvement in the bonding of the class) had lunch together, as a class, at Delifrance. Then a quite number of people went cycling. Not all went as they prefered being sunburning. I bet it was a very accomplished experience for EMILY, who finally learnt to cycle by HERSELF *round of applause*, under the WONDERFUL guidance by the one and only--ME.
=) Then, we were all playing freesbe in the sea. Everyone had a great time till the clock sounded 5pm. We all packed up and headed for the Harbourfront Centre to have our dinner. The day ended with the departure of everyone towards their respective homes.
And finally, it came the fateful day of TODAY, the day which I would never forget. The day where all our happy smiles and laughter became cries of pain and sorrow, signifying a happy memory. Its OKAY to cry, this shows the very strong bond of our class, the 2 JAWDROPPERs!!!!
With the end of the year 2005 approaching nearer and nearer with the ticking of the clock, I have just a simple speech to make:
A class is not made out of just people, it is the bond of the people in the class that make a class. So I hope all conflicts may be resolved by the end of tomorrow, the 28th of October, a very special day to remember.
People will always cherish the things when they are goin to end or leave. As what Jeromy said:" There is no room for regret, we should never regret what we have done and change them into lessons to learn." ( around there lah cant remember whatever he said)
People of the wonderful class of 2JAWDROPPERs '05, I have spent 730 days with all of you 38 marvellous people. We had gone throught thick and thin regardless of rain or shine. I have a simple request for all of you....Cherish the happy memories of these 730 days together as a class by writing it down on a diary or in a BLOG.

I wish all of you of the class of 2J '05 all the best with the upcoming years. Please do not be too sad as more friends will be waiting for you to ask ' what's your name? lets be friends!', so live your life happily and with no regrets. Time can never be reserved. Last of all, I hope that all of you may remember me as the stupid clown and lamer. I hope that in this 2 years, I have carved a happy memory in you, which coloured your life with many wonderful colours that had enlightened your every day in Rv 1J and 2J. Thank you all of you for your support and encouragement for the 2 years. I am very grateful to every one of you. THANK YOU!!!!! I will never forget this pleasant memory. It will always remain in my heart and not just a mere memory.....PEOPLE....



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